Unauthorized Distributors & False Information

False Information & Job Promises

Tissakart is not providing any jobs and does not have any vacancies. It has come to our attention that certain individuals are promising employment with tissakart by advertising on social media sites, newspapers, classified listing, and job sites. tissakart does not recruit using any of these platforms. tissakart is a direct sales company that deals in fashion and lifestyle products. Individuals who wish to partner with tissakart can contact their nearest and most trusted social seller or affiliates. If you require further information please contact tissakart customer care at care@tissakart.com

All Entities Must Refrain from the Unauthorized Selling of Tissakart Products

It is the value and policy of Tissakart to sell its products only through authorized channels. Authorized Social Sellers can only sell apparel created by tissakart. Products created by tissakart cannot be sold on any other websites or in retail shops. The opportunity that is presented to distributors of tissakart products will diminish immeasurably if tissakart products are sold through unauthorized channels. tissakart values stand opposed to sales through unauthorized channels and tissakart does not vouch for the authenticity of products purchased through such channels.